Super Pro Player Final KeyArt.

Super Pro Player concept art final render.

Super Pro Player Layouts.

Super Pro Player 2D colorblocking.

Super Pro Player workflow progression.

Super Pro Player Final KeyArt.
Free Fire Super pro player skin project is a super cool project that I could work with Stray Dogs Garena team. It was great to work in the concept stage, painting the final render for the skins and finally work in one of the key arts for the skin release. Here the credits for all artists involved: Art direction: Alexandre Koyama Art production: Raquel Fukuda, Cintia Miura Concept art: Garena Team Concept art final render: Lucas Leibholz KeyArt Layouts: Lucas Leibholz, Klayton Luz, Thiago Batista KeyArt Colorblock: Lucas Leibholz KeyArt 3D Artist: Leandro Soares (backgroung,Lighting/shader/materials) KeyArt 3D Artist: Bruno Melo ( Characters pose) Keyart Over painting and final effects: Lucas Leibholz